6 new features for even faster bug repros! ⚡️
Battery level, incognito status + more, now auto-included for devs in every Jam.

We just added a ton more info to every bug report created with Jam! So, you just 1-click capture a bug, and devs get even more clues to fix them faster.
Let us show you!
Capture low-battery status
Some tricky bugs are caused by power saver mode. So, now Jam tells devs if the device was low battery. Devs fix faster with all the relevant details upfront!

See if bugs happened in incognito mode
Thousands of you use Jam in incognito mode. Now, devs can repro those bugs faster knowing whether the bug happened in incognito or not!

Extended Arc & Edge support for debug tools
Now devs can see exactly which browser & version to repro the bug in – no matter whether you’re in Chrome, Brave, Arc or Edge.

Share timestamp links
Give devs specific context by sending a link to the moment they need to see.

Bonus: your Jam dashboard got an upgrade!
We’re so excited – a whole new layer of design polish to help you find your Jams faster. Go behind-the-scenes with the Jam designer in this video walkthrough of the Figma!