Just launched! Even more debug details auto-included with Jam + Fullstory
No more searching between tools and tabs. All your tools, workflows, and apps connected in Jam for faster debugging.

For you Fullstory users! Now every Jam you create automatically includes the Fullstory session.
Bringing your tools together in 1 tab to fix a bug
This is part of our mission to give developers the one tab they need to open to debug and fix an issue. No more searching between tools and tabs. All your tools, workflows, and apps connected in Jam for faster debugging.
Today’s launch is another step in that direction. If your website is using Fullstory for customer behavior & analytics, your Jams will now automatically include it.

No setup required – it's automatic
You don't have to connect anything to get started, or write a single line of code. It's just going to be there for your devs every time you report a bug with Jam. Easy and done.
Happy faster debugging — with even more of your tools and workflows connected in Jam, the 1 tab you need to get the full view of a bug.